
Automatic Filling Machine Interface: Main Screen

Automatic bottle fillers use a number of different times, delays and other settings to ensure that containers are consistently filled in the same manner, be it by volume, fill level or other manner. Running through the operator interface screens of an automatic filling machine can be intimidating for those with no experience with similar equipment. Over the next couple weeks we will through the different screen typically found on the interface for liquid fillers and explain their use and function, starting today with the Main Screen.

The Main Screen of an automatic filling machine will, most importantly, contain buttons to access every other screen that will be needed to efficiently run the machine. The Main Screen operates as command central, allowing the packager to get screens such as Manual Toggle for maintenance and set up, recipe screens to recall settings or even a CIP screen to start the cleaning process at the end of the day. In the next couple weeks, we will explain all of the interior pages in detail in further posts.

In addition to these "links", the Main Screen of also contains a number of statistics including the total production run, the infeed container count (or number of containers filled each cycle in most cases) and the percentage of the cycle complete, allowing for a quick look at whether the filler is in cycle or not. So the Main Screen serves as a central hub to navigate the filler controls while also allowing for quick monitoring to ensure the machine in functioning properly.

In addition, every screen on the filler will include, at the bottom of the screen, several machine controls, giving the operator finger tip access to the fill cycle, pumps, product supply, conveyors and other components depending on the set up of the machine. These controls, which remain static on the interior pages as well, normally allow certain components or auxiliary equipment to be turned on and off with the touch of a button.

Interior pages, like those discussed above, we contain the controls for fill times, pump times, head dives, drip trays, neck grippers and many other features of the liquid filler. We will go in to more depth on each of these settings as we cover the interior screens in detail in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for the later articles, or contact LPS directly to learn more about Filler Control Panels and Interfaces today!