
Personal Care Products & Household Items

From toothpaste and shampoo to cosmetics and perfume, Liquid Packaging Solutions offers rinsing, filling, and capping equipment for a wide variety of products in the Personal Care industry. With both semi-automatic and automatic machinery available, our machinery offers options for companies both large and small. Learn more about common systems for personal care and household items below or reach out to LPS for help find the right equipment for your project.

An automatic, inline packaging system for thick liquids in the Personal Care and Household Products Industry, including equipment to fill, cap and label product.

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Package free-flowing personal care and household products with ease using the Basic Automated System from Liquid Packaging Solutions. Equipment to efficiently and consistently rinse, fill, cap and otherwise prepare your products for the shelf.

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A tabletop packaging system for the Personal Care and Household Products, including a combination of machinery to fill, cap and label product.

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