
Benefits of Semi-Automatic Machinery - Rinse, Fill, Cap

While automatic packaging machinery can significantly increase product output, full automation does not make financial sense for every packager. In addition, those with less product output may not possess the required space for a completely automated system. For small and medium packagers, Liquid Packaging Solutions manufactures semi-automatic packaging machinery that can add both speed and efficiency to the process as a whole.


Bottle rinsers can be an integral part of preparing products for the shelf. In some industries, such as food, beverage and pharmaceuticals, rinsing containers can be a necessity to ensure the products are not contaminated by dust or other debris found in the bottles. Semi-automatic rinsing machines allow smaller packagers to clean bottles before the introduction of the liquid to fight this contamination. Semi-automatic rinsers allow an operator to place multiple bottles over rinse nozzles before initiating the rinse. The rinse can be completed using air, water, product, other liquid or even by using a vacuum to remove debris. Once cleaned, the operator removes the bottles and repeats the process for the next set of containers.

Using a semi-automatic rinser will usually add some speed to the process as opposed to cleaning each bottle individually. The consistency of the machinery also allows bottles to be cleaned in the same manner with the same rinse media with each cycle processed, allowing for a reliable rinse from the first cycle to the last.


Filling by hand can lead to a variety of different issues, from inconsistency in fill level or volume to spills, splashes and wasted product. Semi-automatic filling machinery can not only speed up the process, but also remove the issues mentioned above from the filling process. Semi-automatic fillers, including tabletop filling machines, allow the operator to slide bottles under the fill heads and initiate the fill cycle. Once the cycle is completed, the operator removes the filled bottles and repeats the process as necessary.

Semi-automatic liquid fillers allow for all of the same principles as their automatic counterparts, meaning that a packager using a semi-automatic machine can fill to a level, by volume or by other principle. Simple times or PLC's can be used to ensure consistent and reliable filling from the first cycle to the last. Easy adjustments also allow for a range of container sizes to be filled on a single machine.


Just like automatic equipment, semi-automatic cappers can seal just about any type of closure. Chuck and spindle cappers can handle continuous thread closures, while semi-automatic machines also exist for corks, ROPP caps and more. As with other semi-automatic equipment, the capping machines will require operator assistance for each cycle. Typically, the operator will place the cap on the bottle and slide both into position for the machine to perform the tightening or sealing, though other configurations are also available. The process will be repeated for each bottle and cap to be sealed.

While some capping machines may speed up the process, the benefits of using machinery for capping include consistency and reliability when it comes to sealing. Hand-capping bottles can result in inconsistent tightening, leading to loose caps, cross-threaded closures and other issues. In addition, hand-capping for long periods of time may lead to worker injuries which can be avoided by using a semi-automatic or handheld capper.

While some processes may require fully automatic lines to meet production demand, semi-automatic packaging equipment provides an efficient, cost-effective solution for packagers with small to medium output. To learn more about all of the semi-automatic equipment, as well as semi-automatic systems, offered by LPS, simply call a Packaging Specialist today at 1-219-393-3600.