
Liquid Filling Machine Nozzle Choices

Different types of filling machines are typically used for different types of products or projects. For example, overflow and gravity fillers tend to work well for projects with low viscosities, while pump and piston filling machines are normally a good solution for thick products. Products packaged in clear containers may also favor an overflow filler for its ability to fill to a level in each container. But even once the correct filler for any given project is identified, the correct nozzles must also be chosen to ensure efficiency and reliability in the filling process.

In some cases, choosing the correct nozzle will entail nothing more than getting the right size. For example, the nozzles for overflow filling machines will be the same on a majority of the machines. Overflow fillers use a unique nozzle that seals over the container opening to allow for the fill to level principle. While there are some exceptions and custom nozzles, in most cases, choosing the nozzle for a packaging project using an overflow nozzle will come down to picking the correct nozzle size to efficiently fill the containers. The size of the overflow nozzle will normally depend on the size or range of containers as well as the size of the container opening.

Many other filling machines, however, can use a wider range of nozzle types. Gravity, pump and even piston fillers may use a fill head consisting of an actuator and ball valve. While this allows product to flow from the tank to the containers, the actual nozzles or nozzle tips used can vary. Some projects may use long, thin nozzles that dive in to the containers to provide a bottom up fill, others may use a simple plastic or stainless steel tip sized to the bottle opening and suitable for the products being run. In general terms, the size of the nozzle or tip will depend on the bottle and the material will depend on the product, with multiple different options to hand tailor the nozzle to the specific project.

A single nozzle size or type can also work with a variety of products and bottles. However, in some cases where the range of products or bottles varies greatly, more than one nozzle may be used on the same machine. In all but the rarest of cases, switching nozzles or nozzle tips will require no tools, but will involve the loosening and tightening of clamps, knobs and other hand adjustments. For more information on liquid fillers and nozzles, or for assistance in choosing the best nozzle for your own project, contact Liquid Packaging Solutions today.