
Liquid Filling Machines Screens - Indexing, Recipe and Alarm

Liquid Filling Machines Operator Interface Screens - Indexing, Recipe and Alarm Screens

Today we will combine the last three screens normally found on an automatic liquid filler, as each has a very limited function.  Now that all of the functions of the machine have been turned on or off and the delay and duration times for the fill have been set, these last three screens can be used to simply make things easier on the operator both in the present and in the future.
The Auto Index Set Up Screen allows the operator of the filling machine to quickly and easily find the indexing times for a specific bottle.  These exit gate duration and entry gate delay times are normally found under the Adjust Pre-Sets screen and were discussed in an earlier article.  The Auto Index Set Up screen allows the operator to obtain the right times by simply lining up bottles on the power conveyor and pressing a button.  Once pressed, the bottles are moved through the fill area and the times are recorded and remembered.
Once the indexing times are recorded and remembered, the operator of the filling machine can use the recipe screen to save these and other settings and recall them at a later date.  For example, if a facility uses five different bottles to package their product, they can set up each of the bottles a single time, finding all of the necessary indexing, delay and duration times.  After each bottle has been set up, the operator can save the recipes (settings) as number 1, number 2 and so on.  Then, in the future, the operator need only visit the recipe screen and load the necessary recipe, there is no need to go through a lengthy set up process!
The alarm screen found on a liquid filling machine simply acts as a troubleshooting aid for the operator of the filler.  If bottles jam, product is low or the filling machine fails to function properly for any number of reasons, the alarm screen will assist the operator in finding the root of the problem.  This screen must also be cleared to once again start automatic production following any type of alarm.
While these final screens do not contain the settings and functions of some of the other screens on the automatic liquid fillers, they do serve important functions that allow the machine to fill bottles consistently and reliably while also saving the operator substantial time and effort.  
This concludes our look at the basic screens for liquid filling machines.  Keep in mind that no two machines are ever exactly alike, and custom machinery may require settings and screens unlike what we have described over the past couple of weeks.  Each filling machine, and the operator interface for each filling machine, will be hand tailored to the specific packaging project for which it is manufactured.  Feel free to return to the articles on the other screens in the News section of our website, or contact a Packaging Specialist at our offices if you have specific questions!