
Keep Bottles Free From Debris with Bottle Rinsing Machinery

While not seen on every packaging line, many different products may benefit from using bottle rinsing machinery prior to completing a fill. Bottle rinsers can use air, water, or other cleaning solution to rinse dust and debris from bottles before they are moved to the filling machine to receive product. The rinse ensures that liquids will not be contaminated during the packaging process.

For certain industries, including Food and Beverage, Pharmaceutical and others, placing product into clean bottles is a necessity, and rinsing machines can play a role in keeping the packaging process sanitary. With both semi-automatic and automatic machines available in both air and wet rinsing modes, these rinsing machines can assist with packaging projects both large and small.

Automatic rinsing machines will usually use a clamp to invert bottles over a rinse basin. Bottles will be indexed into the rinse area and positioned under rinse nozzles. Once clamped and inverted, the rinse will begin and run for a pre-set amount of time. When the rinse is completed, the bottles are returned to the power conveyor to be taken to the next step in the packaging process, which will typically be an automatic filling machine. Simple controls for automatic rinser allow operators to choose recipes for different bottles, making set up and changeover quick and easy.

Packagers may use air to rinse the bottles, which creates much less waste than using water or a wet cleaning solution. Depending on the liquid being packaged, some systems may even use the product itself to rinse bottles before the fill. While each method of rinsing has pros and cons, the choice of which to use will come down to an analysis of the components of each project or in some cases, simply the desire of the packager.

For those packagers that use a bottle or other container that may be oddly shaped, heavy or otherwise not conducive to inverting, bottle vacuums are also an option. This type of automatic rinsing machine will leave bottles on the conveyor and use special nozzles to seal over the bottle opening and vacuum dust, debris and other contaminants from containers.

Semi-automatic rinsing machines offer all of the options of automatic machines, with air rinses, wet rinses and vacuum type machines. However, semi-automatic bottle rinsers will require the operator to interact with bottles and the machine for each cycle cleaned. Operator will place bottles onto the rinse nozzles and manually initiate the rinse. Once completed, the operator will remove the bottles and repeat the process for all bottles to be rinsed. These machines are ideal for those with smaller production runs or a smaller space for packaging processes.

Debris can gather in bottles at almost any point between bottle manufacturing and placement on the packaging system. The process of making the bottle may leave debris inside in some cases, but buildup can also occur during shipping and transport or even storage. Rinsing machinery from Liquid Packaging Solutions can help solve the issue of debris buildup and contamination. For more information on rinsing equipment, simply fill out a contact or quote form on the LPS website or call LPS to speak with a representative today.