
Packaging Machinery for Cannabis Products Covers the Industry

Some industries, such as bottled water or beverages in general, will see the same or similar packaging machinery used across different companies. Other industries, including the cannabis industry, will see a variety of different packaging machines even for similar companies. The reason for this is simple. As cannabis becomes more popular - and more legal - the number of products that use cannabis also grows. For example, most people are familiar with CBD oils used for a variety of reasons including easing health issues. But cannabis may also be used in beverages, food products, skin care products and even dog treats! It is this cross-over with different industries that leads to a variety of packaging machinery being used for cannabis products.

As a manufacturer of packaging machinery, Liquid Packaging Solutions has seen this variety firsthand. Boston Round bottles with droppers are a common combination among CBD oils, but other bottles and containers may be used for lotions, foods and beverages using cannabis. Filling and capping machinery will be manufactured to meet the needs of the packager based in large part on the container and closure being used for any given product.

Packaging machinery for the industry can also be built to meet the needs of packagers large and small. While some cannabis products are already popular, and will likely grow in popularity as restrictions relax across the United States and around the world, other products are produced on a smaller local or regional level. Packaging machinery for cannabis products can be manufactured to handle demand that reaches thousands of bottles a day or a few hundred a month. Tabletop and semi-automatic filling and capping machines allow smaller businesses to use labor while adding efficiency to the packaging tasks, while automatic equipment can make it easy to rinse, fill, cap, label and otherwise prepare product quickly and reliably without excessive manual labor.

Of course, flexibility is important for anyone using packaging machinery, as very few packagers are preparing one product in one container. Equipment built for the cannabis industry, or almost any industry, must be flexible enough to handle a range of containers and products to meet the needs of the business as a whole, rather than one particular product. LPS machinery allows for quick and easy adjustments to handle different container shapes and sizes as well as a range of products. Changeover on automatic machinery is simplified by using a recipe screen that allows all settings for a specific combination of bottle and product to be saved and recalled with ease, keeping downtime to a minimum and production time to a max. Semi-automatic machinery will typically only require tool-free adjustments for bottle changeover, such as loosening and tightening hand knobs for fill head adjustment.

Finally, in an industry that is growing due to the easing of legislation and increased popularity, it is important to use equipment that can grow with the company and products. Most packaging machinery manufactured for the cannabis industry allows for growth and increased production. For example, a four head filling machine may be upgradeable to sixteen heads in the future, allowing a company to almost quadruple their output without investing in new machinery.

As the industry continues to grow, and the product line expands, packaging machinery will continue to adapt to meet the needs of those producing cannabis products. To learn more about packaging machinery for cannabis-based products, or to speak with a Packaging Specialist about your own packaging needs, contact LPS today.