
A Filling and Capping Gift from Liquid Packaging Solutions

While we understand that at this time of the year most people's minds are on buying gifts for other people, we are also well aware that business wish lists still exist during the holiday season. With just a little more than three weeks left in 2014, we want to help packagers start the new year fully stocked and ready to run production. For that reason, we are offering discounted parts for two of our most popular packaging machines from now through December 24, 2014.

Arguably the most popular machinery manufactured by Liquid Packaging Solutions, filling machines can handle products thick and thin, filling to a level, to volume, by weight or in any other manner deemed necessary by a packager. LPS suggests different wear and spare parts based on the type of filling machine being used by the packager. For instance, it is always a good idea to have extra nozzle seals on the shelf if an overflow filling machine is used on a packaging system. It may be a good idea to keep extra nozzle tips or ball valves on hand for gravity or piston fillers, here depending on the type of nozzle in place. Those with pump fillers may feel a bit more safe with an extra pump on site. If you are not sure which parts constitute wear parts for your specific machine, feel free to contact the LPS parts department for an explanation regarding which parts should be kept on hand and why!

Normally right next door to the filler on a packaging line is another popular piece of equipment manufactured by LPS, the capping machine. From semi-automatic to automatic cappers, the type of machine used will again determine the best wear and spare parts to keep on hand. Many chuck capping machines use rubber inserts to help grip the caps as torque is applied and these inserts can wear over time. The same is true of the disks used on spindle capping machines. Gripper belts, smaller gear boxes and even snap on belt material kept on hand may limit downtime for the specific bottle capper on the production floor. Again, if a packager is unsure of what exactly constitutes a wear part for a specific capping machine, the LPS parts department will help to identify the same.

At LPS, we try to keep a healthy stock of any and all wear parts for filler, cappers and all of the other packaging equipment built on site, as well as many parts for OEM equipment. However, keeping certain parts on the shelf at the packagers site can save a day or more when ordering and shipping are taken into account. While many machines can be run without certain components, for example a eight head filling machine using only seven heads while waiting for a part, other machinery can be completely shut down by a single wear part. If a gear box needs replaced on a spindle capper, that capper is not likely to tighten anything until the box is replaced.

So to get everyone ready for 2015 and ensure a smooth and reliable start to the year, LPS is offering discounts on any and all spare and wear parts for both filling machines and capping machines. Just mention this article when calling or emailing for a quote! The parts department at LPS can be reached Toll Free at 1-888-393-3693 x 315 or by emailing for a quote.