
A Packaging System Primer - Start Up

A Packaging System Primer:  Start Up

So you have a new source for bottled water, or maybe a brand new product that will revolutionize doing laundry, or just a refreshing drink that you threw together in your kitchen.  In other words, you have a product, but what do you do with it now?  The decisions you make about how to package your product will affect the type of equipment that will be included in your packaging system.  This series of articles will explore the options for various pieces of packaging equipment after taking the initial factors of the actual product, the package and the market into consideration.
Your product will have more than a small effect on your packaging system.  For example, the options available for liquid fillers will be limited by the product itself.  While some products - free flowing liquids like water - can use a number of different liquid fillers, other products such as pastes and thick gels will be limited to piston filling machines or pump fillers.  Similarly, certain products will require specific packaging machine options, such as explosion-proof construction for highly flammable or volatile products.  Many different options are available on packaging equipment for unique or unusual products.  The good news is that as a packager, you need not be aware of all of these options.  Packaging Specialists at Liquid Packaging Solutions will work with you to create the ideal packaging system based on your unique product, as well as other factors.
The packaging you choose to use for your product will also have a great effect on your packaging system. Some products use a simple bottle, while others may be filled into a jar or even a bag in a box.  The options are many, but the expense of one type of packaging over another may be great.  While creativity in the packaging can bring about market success, it can also bankrupt a company before they even get started. For example, choosing a flat cap can allow a packager to employ standard capping machinery, from chuck cappers to spindle cappers.  Using a unique cap that is difficult to apply can mean slower production speeds and a higher cost for a custom capping machine.  While the final decision for the product package always lies with the packager, consulting with a packaging machine manufacturer can stop unwanted surprises and expenses as the process of setting up your packaging system continues.
Choosing an initial market for your product will also have an effect on the packaging equipment used for your packaging system.  A local or regional market will logically require lower daily production than a national or global market.  Keep in mind that if you start small and expand, many of the packaging machines manufactured by Liquid Packaging Solutions can be upgraded to grow with your company, meaning that more orders does not necessarily mean you need to buy more, or new, packaging equipment.  
Of course, a packager must decide where the product will be packaged.  The amount of space available can limit the type of packaging equipment that can be used.  If there is simply not room for the machinery, alternatives need to be explored.  Packagers must determine how much, if any, of the packaging system needs to be automated and how much, if any, will be performed manually.
Once these preliminary issues have been thought through and discussed, and decisions have been made where necessary, it is time to choose the correct packaging machinery.  This series will now take the packager through the various categories of packaging machinery, from liquid fillers to labeling equipment to power conveyors and more.  First on the list is container cleaning equipment, such as bottle vacuums and wet rinsers.  

Check back to learn more, or simply call Liquid Packaging Solutions toll-free at 1-888-393-3693 anytime!