
Bottle Rinsing Machines Help Avoid Contamination

At a time when cleaning and sanitizing has become a part of the day-to-day activities of most humans, bottle rinsing machinery allows packagers the ability to protect product by cleaning bottles and helping to keep the entire packaging process sanitary.

Bottles and other containers must be manufactured, delivered and in many cases stored until ready to be filled and put on the shelf for consumers. During the manufacturing process, throughout the transport of the containers and even while sitting in storage, the bottles may collect dirt, dust or other debris. Bottle rinsing machines provide an opportunity to remove that dust and debris just before the introduction of product.

Rinsing machines can take on many different forms, from simple semi-automatic machines to completely automatic cleaning machines used as a component of a full packaging line. In any form, however, the bottles will be rinsed using clean air, water, the product itself or some other cleaning liquid. Rinsing nozzles simply blast the inside of containers using the chosen rinse media to loosen and remove debris. In most packaging systems, the bottles will be filled immediately after being rinsed.

The difference between semi-automatic and automatic models really comes down to the interaction of the operator of the machine. Semi-automatic bottle rinsers will require the operator to place containers on the rinse nozzles and then activate the rinse cycle once the bottles are in place. The rinse cycle will typically be activated by stepping on a foot switch or by holding down a finger switch.

Automatic rinsing machines, on the other hand, will require only that the operator set up the rinsing machine prior to running production as well as modify and make adjustments when bottles are changed over from one size or type of container to another. Automatic rinsers use a power conveyor and an indexing system to correctly place bottles under the rinse nozzles. Bottles can then either be inverted over a rinse basin, allowing dust and debris to wash out of the bottle into the basin, or vacuum nozzles can be used to loosen and vacuum debris where inverting would be impossible or difficult.

Bottle rinsers are often seen in the Food & Beverage Industry as well as the Pharmaceutical Industry where products are often ingested or consumed by the end user. While the rinser itself will not keep the entire packaging process sanitary, the removal of dust and debris to avoid contamination is one step toward achieving such a goal.

For more information on bottle rinsing machinery, browse the Container Cleaning Section of the LPS website or call LPS to speak to a Packaging Specialist today.