
Control Panels - Capping Machinery

Control Panels - Capping Machinery

Capping machines, like the caps they work with, come in a variety of shapes and sizes.  Automatic capping machines include spindle cappers, chuck cappers, ROPP cappers and other variations of packaging equipment to securely seal a container.  While the controls on each piece of capping equipment may vary slightly, most automatic capping machines will include certain basic controls.  
Almost every automatic capping machine will include a Main Power switch and an Emergency Stop (E-Stop) button.  These simple controls allow for quick and easy power up and power down of the capping equipment.  While the Main Power switch can be used to turn the machine on and off, the Emergency Stop button allows for quick termination of machine power.  The E-Stop allows operators of the capping machine to immediately cut power by simply pressing a button.  E-Stop buttons may be placed in several locations on a capping machine or along a packaging line, depending on the set up of the line and the machines included.  The E-Stop button is extremely useful if the capper or other machinery on the packaging line jams, if there is a product spill on the line or for other unexpected occurrences.  Pressing the E-Stop button makes troubleshooting easier by allowing simple issues to be fixed before they compound and become complex problems leading to extended down time.
Almost all capping machines will also include a power height adjustment, which simply assists in container changeover and allows the capping equipment to handle a wide range of containers and caps.  Some positioning of components of capping machines, such as spindles and gripper belts on the spindle capper, will be achieved using simple knobs found on the capper itself.  Rather than move from the control box to the capper to fine tune the adjustments, the location of the adjustment controls on the capper itself make the adjustments quick and easy.  
Some speed settings will likely be included on the capper control box and may include auxillary machinery in addition to the speed of capper components.  For example, an automatic spindle capper will have speed controls for gripper belts and the spindles.  However, many automatic capping machines will also have a cap delivery system.  These systems may include a cap elevator or a cap prefeeder and a sorting bowl.  Capper control boxes will include on/off switches and speed controls for the cap delivery system as well.  In addition, the capper conveyor system can be integrated with the capper controls, allowing the operator of the capping machine or the packaging line to control the conveyor from the capper control box.  
Of course, each capping project is unique and thus some unique controls may be added to some machines.  Controls for fume extraction may be added to a capper being used on a line to package hazardous chemicals.  If the capping machine runs a number of different containers, including an F-style container, controls for different sensors may be necessary to run the F-style container.  For the most part, capper controls are simple and easy to operate, leaving the operator of the capper to monitor the line and supply bulk caps.  
For a better understanding of automatic packaging machinery and how they operate, Liquid Packaging Solutions will present a general overview of Control Panels over the few days.  This series starts by looking at the control panels for capping machines, but will also introduce readers to controls for liquid fillers, container cleaning equipment and conveyors.  Check the NEWS section of our website regularly for updates and new articles or contact a Packaging Specialist toll free at 1-888-393-3693 if you have a specific question on packaging machinery.