
Happy Valentine's Day from Liquid Packaging Solutions!

Unfortunately, LPS simply didn't have time to sneak a Valentine's Day Card in to the desk of each and every one of the packagers that we love! First, we're not sure all of you have a desk and second, that would be a lot of traveling. With machinery located in plants across the United States and the rest of North and South America, as well as around the world, we just wouldn't get much done if we had to visit everyone in one day!

So though we cannot spend Valentine's Day with everyone, we hope that in some small way we make it better for everyone! For example, an LPS filling machine may have placed the perfume in the bottle purchased for that special someone. The chocolate sauce on the chocolate covered strawberries may be from an LPS packaging partner. An LPS capping machine may have secured the cork in that bottle of wine or even poured the wax in to the glass containers holding some of the thousands of candles that will undoubtedly be lit throughout the day today.

But while these and other products that LPS machinery assists in prepping may help make your Valentine's Day a happier holiday, this is probably not a topic for the annual date night, lest you spend February 15th alone. That being said, we will keep this short and sweet! Happy Valentine's Day to all of our packaging partners and their partners! Enjoy your time with your partner, stay safe, have fun and we'll talk shop again on Monday.