How Does Industry Affect Packaging Machinery?
How Does Industry Affect Packaging Machinery?
As packaging machine manufacturers, we work with a wide range of different industries, generally speaking any industry that packages a product. These products can range from bottled water to other beverages and food, household cleaners to industrial chemicals, automotive fluids and oil, cosmetic products, liquid medications, creams, shampoos and more. From trade shows to informational calls at the office, we are often asked questions regarding which equipment is best for a person's industry. While certain machinery will show up more often in a specific industry, the truth is the individual characteristics of each project are more important than the larger industry designation, and many different types of filling machines, capping machines and other equipment will be found within the same industry.
However, certain industries also require specific equipment or certain specific features on equipment. For example, food products will require a sanitary packaging process and sanitary machinery. Consumable products such as food products will almost always include (in most cases require) some type of rinsing machine for bottles or other containers before the product is added to the equation. The rinsing machine simply removes dust, dirt or other debris to guard against contamination once the food product is introduced. Power conveyors will also be manufactured for food in a sanitary style to avoid debris and product build up and to allow for easy cleanup post-production or in the event of a spill. Filling equipment for food will also be manufactured in a sanitary style, as this is the machine that will obviously have the most interaction with the food product. The sanitary style of the filler ensures that the product pathway from the holding tank to the bottles or containers will be protected against contamination as well.
In other industries, certain types of packaging machines are simply more popular than others, due to the packaging habits or norms for that given industry. As an example, take a second and picture a case of bottled water. Almost everyone will picture a case of clear plastic bottles. The clear bottle makes the overflow filler an ideal choice for packagers of bottled water, because that particular type of machine fills each bottle to the same level, even if bottle volumes vary slightly. The level fill creates a pleasing look when the product reaches the shelf. In addition, most bottles of water will include a wrap label with a logo, nutritional data and other information. The wrap labeler, like the overflow filler, are more popular than other types of equipment in the bottled water industry due to the typical package used for the product.
Finally, picture any hair care product. Unlike bottled water, the mental images created by hair care products are unlikely to be as similar from person to person. Some people may have pictured a bottle of shampoo, while others might think of hairspray, mousse or gel. When speaking of hair care, the products and the packages can vary widely, as can the products and packages in many other industries. In industries where products and packages do vary, there may still be some packaging machinery that is more popular for that particular industry. However, this is where the individual analysis of product, package and need comes into play. The ideal solution will come from looking at the viscosity of the product, the type of package and cap being used, the production demand for the project, the packagers own wishes and many other factors. Only through this analysis can the packaging machine manufacturer ensure that the best machinery is chosen for each specific project and packager.