Installation and Training Services Available
Installation and Training Services Available
At Liquid Packaging Solutions, we always encourage our new customers to take advantage of our installation and training services. Allowing one of our technicians to assist in set up ensures that the packaging machinery will be up and running properly from the start. Some time on the production floor also allows our technicians to show production employees the quickest and easiest way to set up and change over various equipment. However, we understand that businesses have to deal with turnover, or that equipment may be sold to a new user. This is why LPS offers installation and training services for any company that may need some technical assistance.
Installation of single packaging machines, such as liquid fillers or capping machines, can ensure that the equipment is set up properly to run by itself or to integrate the machine smoothly with already existing equipment. In general terms, the more automation in a machine, the more likely that an install will be helpful to the company. For example, semi-automatic chuck capping machines require very little set up. The operator of the machine simply needs to understand the placement of the cap and bottle and ensure that the machine is on a level surface. New chuck inserts may be necessary from time to time and in some cases, multiple chucks may be necessary. However, an automatic spindle capper will require adjustments each time a new cap or container is used on the machine. Training staff on the correct adjustments to the cap delivery system, the chute, the spindles, gripper belts and other components of the automatic capper will ensure that the machine is properly set up and adjusted to minimize downtime and increase production time.
When dealing with the installation of complete packaging lines, the same is true. Semi-automatic or tabletop machinery can often be mastered during a factory acceptance test or with some guidance over the phone. The equipment is manufactured to be simple yet efficient. While automatic packaging lines are manufactured with the same two traits in mind, the lack of manual labor requires precise set up and operation to ensure consistent, reliable rinsing, filling, capping, labeling and other functions. The key to automatic machinery is understanding the control panels on each of the different machines. Though recipes and rulers can make set up, start up and change over easy for anyone, it is strongly recommended that someone on staff understand the basics of set up and operation. Educating employees removes uncertainty from tasks such as the introduction of a new bottle, new product or new size.
Training from the outset can also help on site staff to troubleshoot and perform preventative maintenance. Understanding the wear parts on each machine, as well as the signs that replacement may be necessary, helps to avoid downtime on any single machine. When dealing with automated systems, downtime on a single machine can often mean downtime for the entire line. If new employees are in place, or if an inordinate amount of time has passed since training has occurred, a day of lessons for current employees can save hours of time in the future. If you have questions regarding training and installation, please do not hesitate to call our offices toll free at 1-888-393-3693.