Let LPS Answer Your Packaging Industry Questions!
If you are familiar with the LPS website, or even previous incantations of the LPS website, you are probably aware that there are literally thousands of articles covering many different topics of the packaging industry and packaging machinery. From general information on equipment or industries to machine specific tech articles or even upcoming events in the packaging world, LPS tries to keep both ourselves and our family of packagers informed!
However, in an industry that services many other industries, each with hundreds or even thousands of products, LPS understands that we probably haven't covered everything. OK, we DEFINITELY haven't covered everything. So while we will continue to do our best to bring you the latest on our equipment, on the industries we serve, on tradeshows and trends, we also invite you to share with us if there is a topic, event or info you would like to see on the LPS website! we encourage everyone with an interest in the packaging industry to contact LPS at m101@liquidpackagingsolution.com and let us know what you'd like to see us cover!
And of course, if you have additional questions after reading an article on our website, feel free to send those our way as well! Or in addition to email, LPS representatives are available during regular business hours to provide more information, consult on projects or answer any questions about packaging equipment. LPS Packaging Specialists can be reached Toll Free at 1-888-393-3693 on Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM Central Time, or at other times by appointment.