
Packaging System Partner - Installation, Training and Other Services

A Packaging System Primer - Installation, Training and Other Services

As a producer and packager of a product, you obviously want your packaging machinery manufactured and delivered as quickly as possible.  However, attempting to set up and/or use packaging machines without the proper training and support can be disastrous, which is why Liquid Packaging Solutions offers installation, training and other post-manufacturing services.


To ensure optimum performance and customer satisfaction, LPS suggests and encourages anyone purchasing packaging equipment to visit the factory where the machinery is built.  By supplying product, bottles, caps and labels, the packaging system can be tested while you watch before shipping to the your facility.  This factory acceptance test ensures that the machine is working with your product and as you expected.  In addition, the acceptance test helps to prevent surprises once the machines are delivered and allows technicians to make necessary changes prior to the installation, ensuring a smooth transition and an efficient packaging line once installed.  Factory acceptance tests can be performed for complete packaging systems or for individual machines, such as liquid fillers or capping machines.


Once the factory acceptance test is completed, the packaging machinery can be shipped to your facility for installation.  While some packaging equipment, such as tabletop filling machines or handheld chuck cappers, may be simple for a packager to install and use, some machines are slightly more complex.  Technicians are available to meet your packaging machinery at your facility to properly install all equipment on your production floor.  Like the factory acceptance test, installation services are available for individual packaging machines like rinsing machines and conveyors or for complete packaging lines.  Though many packaging machines are pre-set at the factory for optimum performance, installation technicians can assure that the packaging machinery is level, properly connected and performing as they should before you start production.


Once installation is complete, technicians can also train your staff on the proper use of the packaging equipment.  Again, some equipment is simple to operate, while others require a little more set-up and operator interaction.  For example, a tabletop chuck capping machine may simply require the operator to place the bottle and cap in a positioning nest, the machine does the rest.  These simple machines work with one bottle at a time and require little to no set-up.  An automatic spindle capper requires little set up and requires an operator only to add bulk caps when needed.  However, when multiple cap sizes are used, an operator will need to know the necessary steps to change from one cap size to another.  While a manual may explain this process step-by-step, training allows the operator hands on experience with a packaging professional there to assist.  The training technician will ensure that the staff members or production crew understand this and other processes before leaving them to operate the packaging machinery on their own.


Anyone who packages a product knows that unexpected issues can occur.  From product spills to operator errors to simple wear and tear, packaging machinery will eventually need to be serviced.  Service may simply be a phone call, email, or even a chat with a technician on our website.  Many times, simple issues can be dealt with from a remote location.  Service may consist of providing replacement parts or re-ordering necessary components (ink for coding machines, ribbon for hot stamp equipment).  LPS stocks an array of packaging machinery parts to allow our customers to quickly and easily get what they need.
On those serious occasions when production is down due to a packaging machinery malfunction, technicians are available for both in-house service or field service.  LPS understands that downtime equals lost profits and we work with the packager to do whatever is necessary to ensure the packaging line is back up and running in the shortest time possible.
Product packagers must understand that purchasing packaging equipment involves more than simply choosing the equipment and getting it to their plant.  LPS works with our customers to ensure that the packaging machinery will perform in an efficient manner for the life of the machine, and that the life of the machine will exceed the customers expectations.  
We hope you have enjoyed our Packaging System Primer series.  The information contained in these articles is general in nature, but meant to give an overview of the equipment available and some of the issues facing a packaging company.  If you have any questions at all, or would like to learn more about any of our packaging equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us toll-free at 1-888-393-3693.