
Uniframe Options Create Compact Packaging System Solutions

While every packager would probably like to start with a fully automated, complete, turnkey packaging line, reality makes such as option simply not feasible for a number of businesses, both start ups and those who have been around for awhile. For many, the space available for such a packaging line is simply not available for the preparation of products. Luckily, many different options exist for semi-automatic systems that allow for added speed, efficiency and consistency in the packaging process. One of these options - uniframe packaging systems - consists of adding multiple packaging machines to a single frame, allowing for more than one task to be completed in a smaller area.

A typical uniframe packaging system begins with a filling machine on a tabletop or portable frame. While not necessary to begin with the filling machine, most systems focus on getting product into the container and building the other components around the liquid filler. From here, the uniframe filling system can be designed to meet the needs of each individual packager by adding on those components that they need or want to the already existing frame.

For example, a company packaging bottled water may add a manual wet rinsing machine to the frame of the filler, allowing one person to first rinse containers, then move them to the filler to receive the product. After being filled, the uniframe system may also include a manual chuck capper, attached to the right side of the filler frame, that would allow the operator of the system to quickly and easily secure screw on caps to the filled water bottles. In other words, a single machine will allow the operator to rinse, fill and cap product in a small space.

Other packagers, in the bottled water industry as well as other industries, may choose different components, including labeling equipment, coding equipment, nitrogen purge systems, induction sealers and more. The key to any uniframe system is to include those processes that consume the most time for the packager, if not all processes can be included. Adding some automation to the most time-consuming tasks can definitely speed up the process. However, other benefits exist in addition to speed. Capping machines can ensure reliable seals from the first bottle to the last in a production run, without the fear of fatigue and inconsistency that comes with hand capping. Labeling machines help to apply the sticker consistently as well, adding to the aesthetic value of the products when they are displayed for consumers.

Of course, there exist numerous other options for packagers that lack the space, need or even desire for a completely automated packaging system. For more information on Uniframe Packaging Systems, other semi-automatic packaging systems or completely automated turnkey solutions, contact Liquid Packaging Solutions today.