
HONEY PRODUCTS - Basic Automated Packaging System

Across the United States and around the world, honey is a product that, in addition to being a popular food product alone and in combination with other products, is also sought after for other health related benefits.  The viscous nature of this product makes a piston filling machine ideal for almost any honey project.  Packaged in a variety of containers, from jars to bear bottles and more, a typical packaging line for honey or honey based products may include:

Some honey projects may require a hot fill, while others may need alternative packaging to that listed above due to unique containers, closures or labels.  Additional equipment, such as rinsing machines and coding equipment, may also be added to suit the needs of the specific packager.  Each packaging line will be modified to fit the specific needs of the honey packager's own project.

Liquid Packaging Solutions does not manufacture labeling equipment.  However, LPS can recommend a manufacturer of labeling equipment based on your bottles, labels and other project components to integrate with other LPS machinery to form a complete packaging system.

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Automatic Packaging Line for Honey - Liquid Packaging Solutions