
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend from Liquid Packaging Solutions

As another holiday season begins, Liquid Packaging Solutions is once again thankful for our family of packagers, vendors and, of course, our very own employees. These groups help to ensure LPS can provide a packaging partner for each of the businesses that that put their trust in LPS rinsers, fillers, cappers and other packaging equipment.

The holiday season is a busy time of the year for many businesses, and though our products do not sit on a shelf, the same is true of LPS. The company will finish up 2022 by working on building and delivering equipment for foods and beverages, household cleaners, industrial chemicals and cosmetic products, among other industries. And 2023 begins with some exciting projects stemming from the return of the PACK EXPO Trade Show to Chicago. In addition to touching base with some current packagers, LPS is excited about the new packagers met at McCormick Place this past September as well as the projects that they bring with them! The success of these packagers is the only path to success for Liquid Packaging Solutions, and we are thankful for each and every packager we serve.

The past few years have been challenging at times with businesses closing due to COVID and COVID restrictions, and just about every business has felt the pain of supply chains slowing down. At LPS, our vendors have worked hard to provide the pieces needed to create the solutions and the equipment necessary for LPS packagers. Like everyone, LPS has had issues with the supply chain, but LPS is also thankful for a group of vendor that have done their best to minimize the effect of supply chain issues.

And finally, like every other year, the employees of Liquid Packaging Solutions have made providing solutions for packagers across a range of industries an enjoyable day-to-day experience at LPS! We are thankful for the people that make up LPS, who continue to go above and beyond to ensure that both the company, and those packagers that the company serves, are able to provide the solutions necessary project after project. From "typical" rinsing, filling and capping solutions to truly custom products, LPS Packaging Specialists simply don't stop until the machines perform to expectations, if not above.

Without our packagers, our vendors and our employees, Liquid Packaging Solutions simply does not work. So we simply want to give each of these groups a sincere "Thank You" this holiday season and a wish for a safe and happy Thanksgiving Weekend!